Reasons to come to Garden Day!
- Wouldn't you like to grow your own luscious tomatoes this year, or perhaps plant some beans, peas, a salad or herb garden?
- Have extra seeds? Bring vegetable or flower seeds to swap.
- The tomato seedlings are coming along well and everyone who comes will get one or two free tomato seedlings ready to be popped into a container or the ground.
- Bring your bean and pea seeds to be inoculated with rhizobium bacteria, which increases the seed's ability to use nitrogen, and increases yield. Soak untreated beans and pea seeds for 24 hours, and bring them in a lidded plastic container or sandwich bag. We will inoculate your seeds and return them to your container to be planted within 24 hours.
More Reasons to come to Garden Day!
- Join with your neighbours in a workbee to make your planting containers, a composter, or upside-down tomato planters.
- It's fun to work together, and easier with many pairs of hands. If you want to join in the workbee get a materials list from Deb in E-23 for the project(s) you want to do. Drop by or
E-mail me for workbee project materials list. Items marked WB below will be included in the workbee.
Learn How to Make:
- A composter from a tote, garbage can or basket, and how to make compost. WB
- Sub-irrigated planters (Earthtainers) inexpensively. This kind of planter produces twice as many flowers or vegetables per square foot as planting in the ground or in regular pots. WB
- Japanese tomato ring, which produces high yields of tomatoes and composts your kitchen and yard wastes at the same time. Plans/instructions available on Garden Day.
- An upside down tomato planters, which can be hung in a sunny spot and don't require any yard space. WB
- A low-tech "Solar oven" of inexpensive and easily obtainable materials. Save fuel and avoid heating the house up during the summer! Plans/instructions available on Garden Day.
- A "square foot" garden. Have space for a raised bed to grow veggies in? Learn how to maximize your growing space. Plans/instructions available on Garden Day.
- Grow salad greens, herbs and edible flowers vertically! A living wall of green and flowery things! Plans/instructions available on Garden Day.
In addition those who are enthusiastic gardeners will plant annuals, sow wildflower and poppy seeds, and in general have a gardening play group!
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